
Extrait de la discussion sur Instagram suite au post de mes photos de Julian Marley au Festival de Crussol (juillet 2024) avec Jaime Hinckson, Musical Director for Julian Marley & The Uprising, 2 Grammy Award-Winning Pianist 1 Producer
Awesome photos Cecilia (...) Great shots ! I just forwarder the email to Julian's management team. "


Extrait du mail reçu de Felicity Tubog, Exécutive Assistant, ReFocus Awards
" Dear Cecilia,

My name is Fel, and I’m the Community Development Manager at Creative Resource Collective. I am contacting you because I recently found your work, “Camargue,” which led me to discover the rest of your photography. Since your work immediately caught my attention, I shared it with my team, who agreed it is remarkable.

With that in mind, we invite you to enter the reFocus Awards 2024 World Photo Annual at no cost.
I'm happy to help if you have any questions. We hope you can enter, but either way, we’re excited to continue following your work and wish you the best in your artistic endeavors! "


Message Messenger depuis mon compte Facebook de Nijat Kazimov, fondateur de Street Photography France
Je m'appelle Nijat Kazimov, fondateur de Street Photographe France.
Nous sommes ravis que vous ayez partagé votre photo au sein de notre groupe Facebook. C'est ainsi que nous avons découvert votre travail et que nous aimerions vous inviter à devenir membre de Street Photography France."

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